At GigabitNow, our mission is simple: bring Ultrafast Fiber Internet to communities that deserve nothing less. We believe that high-speed Internet is not a luxury, but a necessity. That’s why we’re dedicated to ensuring that every corner of your city has access to the Internet as it’s meant to be – ultrafast and reliable.

We believe in a localized approach that goes beyond the wires and connections, focusing on building genuine relationships with the communities we serve. When we step into a new city, we don’t just roll out the cables, provide service, and call it a day. We immerse ourselves in the local culture, engage with the people who make the city thrive, and become an integral part of your neighborhood.

We firmly believe that the foundation of exceptional service lies in building genuine relationships. That’s why we take the time to hire locals as brand ambassadors – individuals who live in your city. When you interact with our brand ambassadors, you’re not just talking to a representative; you’re engaging with a neighbor who understands the unique dynamics of your community. They’re equipped with insights about local preferences and challenges, allowing them to provide tailored recommendations that cater to your specific needs.

But our commitment to localization doesn’t stop there. We’re not just an Internet service provider; we’re a partner in your community’s growth. Here in Columbus, we are deeply embedded in the local fabric as members of our chamber of commerce, the rotary club, and dedicated volunteers with the Bartholomew County Works Program. We proudly sponsor and support local events such as Nala Palooza, Hot Rods and Rock & Roll, and the Bartholomew County Fair. Our partnerships with local businesses, like Divine Family BBQ, enable us to bring free food to your neighborhood and provide a platform for you to ask questions or share your feedback with us. We understand the importance of being local, which is why we source gift cards for raffles or prizes from nearby businesses, reinforcing our commitment to the community’s well-being.

Community engagement isn’t just about logos and sponsorships; it’s about creating a supportive ecosystem that benefits everyone. By participating in local events and initiatives, we build trust, foster connections, and contribute to the overall well-being of your community. Our localized approach ensures that you’re not just a customer; you’re a valued member of a community we’re proud to serve.

When you choose GigabitNow, you’re not just getting Internet service – you’re becoming part of a network that cares about your neighborhood’s success. Welcome to GigabitNow – where local connections make all the difference.

Published: October 19, 2023